Socialettes HCE
The Socialettes HCE is affiliated with the Dodge County HCE. This organization works to improve home and community life. Throughout the year we have educational, informative and learning sessions with the county. In return, our club project leaders that attend the meeting, bring information back to our club.
Our Socialettes HCE is a group of local women who meet in the evening at a members' home on the second Monday of the month. We are supportive of local activities either with monetary donations or a helping hand. We sponsor a scholarship at our local high school and also have been fingerprinting students at John Hustis and Bethany Lutheran Schools. You can also find our club members selling tickets at our high school sporting events. This activity helps to fund our scholarship and community projects.
For more information about our club, please feel free to contact our President, Mrs. Anita Back at 920-349-3729.
Our Socialettes HCE is a group of local women who meet in the evening at a members' home on the second Monday of the month. We are supportive of local activities either with monetary donations or a helping hand. We sponsor a scholarship at our local high school and also have been fingerprinting students at John Hustis and Bethany Lutheran Schools. You can also find our club members selling tickets at our high school sporting events. This activity helps to fund our scholarship and community projects.
For more information about our club, please feel free to contact our President, Mrs. Anita Back at 920-349-3729.